Free Download Of The ‘correct Gann Fan’ Script By ‘thexpert’ For Metatrader 4 In The Mql5 Code Base, 2012 05.23

This indicator was discovered by William Gann in the early 20th century. Because it is usually considered that the instrument can only make the maker rich. Past performance of a security or strategy is no guarantee of future results or investing success.

gann fan indicator

Gann believed the 45-degree angle to be most important, but the Gann fan also draws angles at 82.5, 75, 71.25, 63.75, 26.25, 18.75, 15, and 7.5 degrees. A trendline, on the other hand, does have some predictive value, but because of the constant adjustments that usually take place, it’s unreliable for making long-term forecasts. A step by step guide to help beginner and profitable traders have a full overview of all the important skills (and what to learn next ?) to reach profitable trading ASAP.

Now you should analyze the extremes, i.e. support and resistance levels. Although Gann proposes more angles, the 1 × 1, or 45 degrees, is the most important and the trend line formed in this angle is used as a criterion to determine Foreign exchange market the general market trend. Thus a bull market is one in which the price is rising and moves at the top of the 45 degree line. A bear market will be one in which the price is falling and moving below the 45 degree line.

What Does Gann Fan Show?

It is essential that you practice how to trade each setup on a demo account before using the indicator to trade real money. We see an uptrend with the price action being supported by the 1 X 1 line until forex analytics the price action breaks below this line with a gap. From then on, price action moves all the way down to the next Gann line. TrendSpider makes the trend line angle portion of analysis a breeze.

If you are in the MetaTrader 4 for example, click on the “Insert” menu, then “Gann” – “Gann Fan”. Select the extremum and move the cursor to the 2 points described previously, while holding the left mouse button. Then the program will build the necessary Gann fan indicator by itself. In general, these are rays emanating in different directions from one point.

gann fan indicator

All of Gann’s techniques require equal time and price intervals. In other words, a rise of a 1/1 would imply a 45-degree angle. Cory Mitchell, CMT is the founder of He has been a professional day and swing trader since 2005.


D. Gann’s original technical analysis and trading methods. Among the other tools, it’s worth considering the Gann Signal Systems indicator, which appeared relatively recently, but already won the trust of many traders. The algorithms of the tool operate by several Gann indicators.

Gann fans are a form of technical analysis based on the idea that the market is geometric and cyclical in nature. A Gann fan consists of a series of lines called Gann angles. These angles are superimposed over a price chart to show potential support gann fan indicator and resistance levels. The resulting image is supposed to help technical analysts predict price changes. Those angles originate from price top or price bottom and help to identify a trend after the reversal of a given security’s trend.

gann fan indicator

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If you want to learn how to correctly trade horizontal support and resistance levels, we’ve got your back. Just read Support and Resistance Zones – Road to Successful Trading. W. D. Gann’s original use of fans and angles differed from how they are publicly displayed today. D. Gann had specific functions for his fans and angles, and set them up differently for each function. For instance, one use of the fans was setting a moving average of price/time. Another was to monitor the strength of a breakout from his Gann Squares.

Gann Angles Indicator

These angles function to divide time and price proportionately. Technical analysts and traders use them to predict areas of support and resistance, future price moves, and key tops and bottoms. It is important to note that the proper scaling of the chart is absolutely essential to ensure the market has a square relationship. The trading techniques by WD Gann are widely seen as innovative and are still studied and used by traders today. Gann angles divide time and price into proportionate parts and are often used to predict areas of support and resistance, key tops and bottoms and future price moves.

We particularly like these angles for swing trading and longer term trend trading. I like the weekly, daily, monthly, 4 hour and 60 minute time frames.

When going for the bear position then look for the high and let it paint down. As a result, you can use their simulated account to practicing using these angles. When you’ve done this you can select the tool from your toolbar or draw the angles by hand. If you are drawing them by hand then follow the general angles.

  • Any investment decision you make in your self-directed account is solely your responsibility.
  • As already mentioned above, this tool is based on the theory of the relationship between time and price.
  • In a way, these angles work as a tracer helpful in bringing out price changes.
  • Thanks to the Gann angle, we can determine the dynamic amplitude of price fluctuations, the time of opening and closing a deal.
  • Then choose “Insert – Gann – Gann fan” and apply the balance line of a fan to the Gann line that you have already built.
  • This combination will then set up a key resistance point.

Traders may use the following suggestions to place stop-losses when trading with Gann fans. Your investment may not qualify for investor protection in your country or state of residence, so please conduct your own due diligence. This website is free for you to use but we may receive commission from the companies we feature on this site. The examples of Gann Angles on this page work consistently because they are set according to Gann’s original work. We do not use these fans on their own, but in the context of Gann’s other techniques. Trying to incorporate Gann Fans into your trading without this knowledge will probably just help you lose money. That’s why just using a one-to-one price/time ratio, guessing where to start the fan from, or drawing the middle line through the first high or low won’t consistently work.

The benefit of drawing a Gann angle compared to a trendline is that it moves at a uniform rate of speed. This allows the analyst to forecast where the price is going to be on a particular date in the future. On the other hand, if the price action is declining and prices are located below the 1×1 line, this is an indication of bearish momentum. If the price breaks above the 1×1 line, this is a bullish reversal and price would then move to the next Gann line above the 1 X 1 line. Further, Gann used in set the fan or angle different for each function.

How To Use The Gann Fan Indicator

You will perhaps “crack the code” yourself in a way that helps you become a better swing trader or investor. I slightly modified my “Gann fans” to my preference based on further research into Gann. In fact, I don’t use all the rays or even the standard degrees. Play around with the tool and see if different degrees work for you. The Company provides access to online trading for clients from more than 200 countries all over the world. The Company’s partners are the licensed European liquidity providers, banks, payment aggregators and systems with which the company has been cooperating for more than 15 years. Now we will built a “new” Gann fan, which will not be sensitive to the scale.